some links about the "trailer" isis "released" (basically just a short propaganda video). interesting that it's directed at an english-reading audience. it's definitely directed at someone.
the video can be seen at both links. the youtube video is the piece the young turks did about it.
infowars posts a video that looks exactly like that "trailer" about three times a week and the government doesn't have any response at all. why should this be different? it's the same kind of ultraconservative paranoid nut jobs. just because they're from somewhere else doesn't mean everyone should start panicking. i can find fifty videos just like that made by ultraconservative paranoid nut jobs from around the world about topics from abortion to zombies.
i predict that the people who actually live there are getting megaupset right about now, though. i bet they start shooting these isis guys on their own in a minute. you watch. because nobody in their right mind is going to put up with this going on right in front of their kids for too long, principles or no. i don't care how much you "hate" america, you're going to reach your limit on "bullshit that fucks up my personal day" eventually.
because whatever america is, we ain't the ones driving trucks dripping with guys dripping with guns up and down the street in front of your kid's school all day. we don't do things like that.
we buy your land and build military bases to house armed soldiers in your country... which isn't military occupation in that we told you we were going to quarter combat-ready soldiers inside the borders of your country, and your government still sold us the property and gave us building permits. that's kind of why we like to call these things we do different versions of "not legally a war by our internally decided upon rules for what that entails". so long as we keep it business, everything seems to go really well for us, huh...
y'know, maybe your problem isn't exactly us.
you should overthrow your government. ... that's not directed at anyone. just a statement of general advice.
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