Friday, September 26, 2014

on Videographers "Exposing" Street Harassment

if street harassment is such a pandemic problem, why is it that whenever a woman tries to formally document street harassment she doesn't just wear a t-shit and jeans?  why is she always in a short skirt and low cut top?

if street harassment happens just because men are evil and has nothing to do with how a woman is dressed, why bother tarting her up like that before you go out to get footage?  doesn't doing that kind of defeat your whole purpose?  how does dressing a woman like a pinup girl and parading her around town prove anything about men?

penn and teller did something similar on an episode of "bullshit". they put a camera in a big, obtrusive button, put that big, obtrusive button on a woman's chest, had her initiate conversations with random men... and then they shamed those men for glancing at the big, obtrusive button camera they put on her chest.  penn and teller used this to prove that men are slime (of course), but i think it just means men can see and are human.

if you have to alter the terms of interaction in order to get the kind of interaction you want, you can't then say that what results is a unblemished reflection of reality.  you preempted that possibility. if you have to dress all sleazy to get men to catcall you, then you have to admit that they're catcalling you because you're dressed all sleazy and not because they're evil.  is there a pandemic of men catcalling girls who are dressed all sleazy?  you bet.  is that a problem for those of us (male and female) who don't engage in that social binary?


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