Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Boobs? On the Internet?! (9-2-14)

yeah, about those "nude selfies" of some actresses that were stolen from the apple cloud (an iPhone thing, i gather)... your banking and credit card information is stored on the same servers for the same reason and enjoying the same "security" as those pictures.  just sayin'.

but why *is* apple keeping independent copies of user data?  *any* data, not just pictures.  it'd be nice if one of those naked actress ladies decided to sue apple to get an answer to that question.  seems like one of those people would be the kind of someone who might even have a contractual obligation to legally inquire as to apple's retention of her image without remunerated consent which she could invoke, were she so inclined.

i'd kind of *like* to see hippy computers corporate legal go up against a "motivated" entertainment lawyer or two in a federal court.  i don't think anyone working for apple is near evil enough to take on hollywood esq. and walk away with their terms of service intact.  those guys eat blanket contracts for breakfast.

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