The US Air Force will no longer prohibit security personnel at Robbins Air Force Base from wishing people a "blessed day".
okay, my reading of the book goes like this:
(Matt 5,6&7) My dad left you guys in charge of making sure all the blessings get sent out to all the people because he says that everyone who hears about him gets the Good Stuff now.
that's how i read all that "salt and flavor", "don't hide your light under a basket", "shining city on the hill" stuff. it means that a christian's job is to do god's good regardless. if there exists a dog's backside, if you're a christian, you were told to be the sun that shines upon it.
as an atheist, i understand common, conversational, religiously-themed greetings from christians as an interpretation of jesus christ's mission on earth, thus rendering my opinion about it legally irrelevant in the united states of america. simply disagreeing with what someone says is not sufficient cause to strip them of their right to free expression.
i said, "disagreeing with someone is not sufficient cause to strip them of their rights."
... i really feel like repeating that until i think everyone understands all the implications of this "not a sufficient cause to strip people of their rights" thing.
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