Saturday, February 14, 2015

the *real* "domestic violence awareness" day

(sorts through bag looking for the little chalk heart that says "is it over yet?")

yes, national "make anyone who doesn't feel compelled to permanently embed an expensive boat anchor into themselves feel like there's something wrong with them" day 2015 has commenced. let me assure you that all this means to me, functionally, is i have a higher than average possibility of witnessing the domestic violence related death of one or more of my neighbors today.

the women will wake up expecting the men to be solicitous and kind, and the men will wake up expecting the women to be unconscious and lubricated... someone's gonna be wearing a bruise by noon.

we don't need a "valentine's day".  we need a "try not to hit the person you're living with for twenty four hours" day... which i also won't be participating in, because the odds that i'll ever live with anyone again are slim and none, and slim's got no clue he's invited. besides, i kind of like living in a world where none of the things i keep in my home get "accidentally" broken (or sold) every time i go out somewhere.

along those lines, there's a guy out there who has no idea that the reason he's alone this valentine's day is because he assumed he was more welcome in my apartment than my violin.  live and learn, i guess.  at least i know what to say to the next guy who watches me fix a spot on the couch for him, then points to the broken chair my violin is on and grunts, "are you going to let me sit down?" (hint: it's going to rhyme with "shmet the shmuck out of my shmapartment.")

on the other hand, there was the guy who told me "i like everything about you except your personality."  ...  'k.  and he said this with a straight face and the expectation that those words would make me genuinely consider changing my personality in order to give him an opportunity to masturbate into me.  it makes me wonder, because nobody says anything that stupid unless it worked at some point.  i can't imagine what that woman's life must be like.

y'know, maybe it's not valentine's day that's bullshit.

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