Friday, October 17, 2014

to: all the young dudes... and all the other dudes, too.

woman in detroit shot dead for rejecting a man's advances.

when you try to chat up a woman who hasn't been properly introduced to you, we still wonder a little if you might be The One, but unfortunately, we mostly just worry about what might happen to us if you aren't... and i'm going to be honest, you probably aren't The One for anywhere near as many girls as you might want.

it scares the hell out of women to have a man we don't know approach us and start talking, especially if he starts talking sex right out the gate.  women know right up front if the answer is going to be 'yes' or 'no', most of the time it's 'no', and too often, violence is the result.

i'm not saying don't ever flirt with women.  i'm just asking you to keep in mind that the women you're flirting with have a good reason to be concerned for their safety in that moment, and if you're "not that guy", then just keep being "not that guy".  women aren't unreasonable, and believe it or not, we're not even that difficult, but brute force won't turn a 'no' into a 'yes'.  it'll only turn it into a prison sentence or a funeral...

or both.

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