Tuesday, August 19, 2014

i have questions about ferguson, mo (8-19-14)

the officer in ferguson, mo gave a defense justification.  that means that someone, somewhere took a picture of him so the department could make a medical claim for his injuries, because that's their official story.

why do you think the department isn't showing that photo to the press?  if it shows a police officer beaten to the point where he might believe he was going to die, it would mitigate a lot of the public outcry, and that *is* the department's contention.

i wonder why they haven't made that photo public?

i also have seen very little officer blood around the scene of the shooting as captured by several witnesses.  plenty of mike brown's blood.  not nearly so much as you'd expect to come out of a grown man beaten to the point where he had no choice but to start shooting wildly in self defense.  

only as much as comes out of someone dropped to his knees and then shot through the top of the head once he was down.  not even any spatter.  just a pool.  nothing moved but the bullets.  where's the officer's blood?  where's the officer's injuries?

and why did he move his car away from the scene before homicide showed up?  that officer was the only person who could have cordoned off the scene *directly after* the shooting, and that's what happened (go look up the witness videos on youtube), but his car isn't inside the cordon.  if his car was that far away from where mike brown fell in the first place, how was brown attacking him inside his car?  did mike brown do a nightcrawler poof away from the car just as the officer started shooting?

and if he moved the car after declaring the crime scene but prior to homicide's arrival, isn't that tampering with evidence?  what reason would he have to do that?  and how did he do all this right after having been beaten so badly that he feared for his life?  seems kinda busy for a hurt guy.

it makes just enough sense to put into words, but not enough sense to make any sense.  personal experience tells me that means someone is lying, and reality tells me it ain't the dead guy.

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